How you think is how you lead.

We help individuals, teams, and organizations intentionally embrace a mindset that changes the culture and heightens performance, improves working relationships, and enhances well-being.

Roger Schwarz & Associates collaborates with clients to create sustainable and systemic change in leadership, team effectiveness, and organizational culture. Our evidence-based approach gets results and can be used in almost any setting; clients tell us they have successfully applied the mindset and skillset in a wide range of situations, including transforming longstanding difficult relationships.

Our Approach

Mutual Learning Approach. A mindset and set of behaviors that create three results: increased performance, stronger working relationships, and improved well-being. The essence: I understand some things, so do you, and our differences are opportunities for learning and increasing effectiveness..

Psychological Safety and Trust are essential for productive results. We design all of our work with you so that people can safely say and hear what needs to be said and heard.

Systems Approach. Everything in a system—team or organization—is interconnected. We design and create change with the whole system in mind to reduce unintended negative consequences.

Joint Design. We jointly design the work we do together. We have expertise and so do you. Together, we are learning with and from each other, creating your desired results.

Books, Articles, and Other Resources

RSA is a leader in organizational development consulting. Our experts have written books and published articles on the work we do.

SMART LEADERS SMARTER TEAMS How you and your team get unstuck to get results - book cover
The Skilled Facilitator by Roger Schwarz

Keynotes and Presentations

Roger Schwarz, PhD gives keynote addresses, participate on panel discussions, and design custom presentations and workshops in corporations, government, and nonprofit organizations around the world.

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