Anne Davidson

Senior Consultant

Anne Davidson

I have helped individuals and organizations change for over thirty years. I have watched one initiative after another achieve short term gains only to fail in the long run. My experience has taught me a fundamental truth: we all co-create the difficulties we complain about at work, at home and in our communities. The only real and lasting changes that organizations can make come when the individuals who are a part of them learn to examine and shift their values and assumptions.

When people strive to be more transparent, curious, accountable and compassionate, dramatic improvements happen relatively quickly and gains are sustained over time. Problems stay solved, people bring more of their innate creativity to their tasks, and results improve. The legacy I want to leave is for others to experience this kind of lasting change and pass on the ability to create it.

I have worked as an organizational development consultant for RSA with clients that include Duke Clinical Research Institute, SAS, Scottsdale Insurance, Kellogg Foundation and the Town of Chapel Hill. Before joining RSA, I was an Instructor of Public Management and Government at UNC-Chapel Hill and an organizational development director for a mid-sized city government. I hold an MBA from Western Carolina University and Masters in Library Administration from UNC-Chapel Hill.

Years ago I worked with a management team including a CEO and his department heads who had great difficulty sorting out data and making effective decisions. After committing to Mutual Learning values and skills, one member who seldom spoke and never challenged the CEO publically called into question an assumption the CEO was making. Verifying the data resulted in saving the organization $350,000. Seeing the pride, amazement and clarity on the faces of the team members solidified my own commitment to the journey of embodying transparency, curiosity, informed choice, accountability and compassion.

In addition to my OD work, I am a certified coach and a yoga instructor. I enjoy hiking, travelling to places where I can do exotic birding and am a published fiber artist.

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