Terrie Hutaff


Terrie Hutaff

Results don’t happen by chance. Lasting change starts with leaders who have the influence and the ability to consciously design the organization they want to create. The Mutual Learning approach provides an opportunity for the leaders to share and challenge information and ideas in a way that harnesses the strengths and talents of the organization and produces lasting change.

The focus of my career has been a study of people and organizational design – what it takes to create lasting change in performance and people. Most of this has been working as a human resources director and an assistant to the city manager in a local government in NC. Whether I was working on human resource systems or organizational strategic plans, Mutual Learning approach is a foundational tool to the design. After retiring from local government, I chose to contribute my energy and skills to working with Roger Schwarz & Associates (RSA). Working with RSA gives me the tools to help clients design a workplace where employees want to work because of the results they achieve and the satisfaction derived from the work and those they work with. I think this is one of the biggest challenges for leaders in the workplace today and I am passionate about supporting them in overcoming them.

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